Endang Susanti, Pamor Gunoto, Andreanto Silitonga


Waste is a serious environmental problem in various countries, including Indonesia. To reduce this problem, one way to overcome the waste problem is to short the waste into organic and inorganic waste to recycle waste. Therefore this research to build an automatic waste sorting equipment by using internet of things (IoT) technology as a remote monitoring system. The research method uses hardware and software design as well as to testing and analysis. This research uses several sensors, namely proximity sensors, infrared sensors, DHT21 humidity sensors and ultrasonic sensors. These sensors are connected to the microcontroller Arduino UNO and send data via the wifi module NodeMCU ESP8266. The output of waste sorter using servomotor MG996R and displaying organic and inorganic waste in Android application based Firebase as a database. The condition monitoring of the trash when it is full and empty using android application on smartphone. The results in this research are for the detection of waste object, the sensors work at a maximum distance of 5 cm. The ultrasonic sensor for detecting waste level is 15 cm for full condition, 15-30 cm for half and 31 cm for empty condition. The result of sending data to smartphone for all level conditionof waste are appropriate.


Waste Sorter Equipment, IoT, Arduino Uno, NodeMCU ESP8266, Smartphone

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