Hery Irwan, Md. Nizam Abd Rahman, Zuhriah binti Ebrahim, Tamara Handini


PT. KOP operates within the oil and gas drilling sector, utilizing job shop production scheduling. The company produces 4 primary product types, employing 2 identical machines operated in parallel, as is common in the job shop industry. However, production planning faces challenges, notably delivery delays stemming from inefficient scheduling, indicated by high work-in-process inventory and machine tooling availability issues. This research proposes a series-based machine scheduling method, evaluating dispatching methods such as SPT (Shortest Processing Time), LPT (Longest Processing Time), and the Johnson algorithm. Results demonstrate that the Johnson method outperforms SPT and LPT, minimizing delay times to 1 hour in the first week, 16 hours in the second, 48 hours in the third, and 86 hours in the fourth. By arranging machines in series, tooling requirements are reduced by 50%. Specifically, series machines only require 4 tooling per product, while parallel machines require 8.


Dispatching; LPT; Johnson Algorithm; Series; SPT

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