Sutrisno Sutrisno, Hasnah Faizah, Elmustian Rahman, Muhammad Jais, Rustam Effendy Pohan


Riau Malay culture plays an important role in shaping character through religious values, mutual cooperation, work ethic, honesty and responsibility. Character education in economics learning as strengthening the profile of Pancasila students. Economic learning based on Riau Malay Culture helps students understand economic activities with noble character, love local wisdom without losing integrity, and form economic insight with positive personal character. It is necessary to carry out an analysis of research results related to Riau Malay Cultural character education in economic learning. The aim of the research is to assess research trends related to Riau Malay Cultural character education in economic learning. The research method is bibliometric analysis. Research data from national and international journals has been simplified through four stages, namely, identification, filtering, eligibility and inclusion. The research focus is Character Education, Riau Malay Culture, and Economic Learning. The new themes in the research field are Economic Learning Based on Riau Malay Culture, Character Education, Riau Malay Culture and the Independent Curriculum. The results of the research show that there has been no publication on the theme of economic learning based on Riau Malay Culture, but publications related to character education, Riau Malay Culture and economic learning have increased.


Riau Malay Culture, Economic Learning, Character Education, Bibliometric Analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33373/icms.v1i1.3


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