Quarter Life Crisis, Milenial, Gestalt ApproachAbstract
This research aims to examine the transitional periods that an individual goes through in their development, starting to show some of the problems felt by the individual, such as feeling anxiety, fear and emotional sadness in their life, which is called quarter life crisis using a gestalt approach. This research uses a literature review method where various relevant sources related to the gestalt approach in understanding the quarter life crisis will be reviewed. The research results showed that there were 7 millennial quarter life crises found, namely feelings experienced, anxiety about the future, helplessness in life, social/romantic relationships, career and work, personal views and spirituality. The Gestalt approach can provide a framework for the millennial generation to discover self-identity, personal growth and resilience in the face of challenges Quarter life Crisis. This supports them in developing self-awareness, taking responsibility, and living authentically, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
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