Halal-friendly destination attribute, Perceived Value and Destination LoyaltyAbstract
The tourism sector has an important role as a source of foreign exchange earnings and can encourage national economic growth. Therefore, special attention needs to be paid to destination loyalty, which is the intention of tourists to revisit a destination and their willingness to recommend it. The aim of this research is to determine: the influence of halal-friendly destination attributes on perceived value, the influence of perceived value on destination loyalty and (3) the influence of halal-friendly destination attributes on destination loyalty which is mediated by perceived value. The population in this study were domestic tourists who visited halal tourist destinations in Padang City. The confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to test the construct validity and reliability of the model. The number of samples for this research was 150 respondents. The data analysis technique used in testing this research hypothesis was the use of the Partial Least Square (PLS) program to assess the hypotheses developed. The research results show that the Halal-friendly Destination Attribute has a significant effect on Perceived Value, Perceived Value has a significant effect on Destination Loyalty and the Halal-friendly Destination Attribute has a significant effect on Destination Loyalty which is mediated by Perceived ValueReferences
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