Amil Zakat Management, HRP Management, BAZNAS.Abstract
The purpose of this qualitative research is to obtain factors that affect the human resources planning (HRP) of the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the important themes that are in it. The establishment of BAZNAS as the main organization for zakat management in Indonesia has been a long journey. Human resources management of BAZNAS is very important in supporting BAZNAS' role in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative paradigm and with phenomenology approach strategy. Data collection techniques were conducted by interviewing 8 informants. The interview process was recorded by audio recording device and transcribed. The transcription result were arranged in tabulation based on some specified themes. The model was built with Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) approach and supported by Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) method. The result of this research found 10 elements that build the BAZNAS Human Resources planning model, namely: 1) HR strategic plan, 2) HR planning and procurement, 3) leadership role, 4) HR audit, 5) sharia criteria, 6) digital friendly criteria, 7) key withdrawal and selection system, 8) special work standards & certification, 9) leadership competency and supporting certification, and 10) building organizational culture. The contribution of this research is to provide a theoretical basis for preparing BAZNAS HR planning throughout Indonesia.References
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