Performance, Intellectual Capital, Employee Emotional, Personality TheoryAbstract
Intellectual capital is the collective knowledge and resources that provide value to an organization. Employee emotional is the degree to which employees can perceive, understand, and manage their own and others’ emotions. Performance is the outcome of employees’ work in terms of quality, quantity, and efficiency. Personality Theory is the framework that explains the causes and patterns of human personality traits. This study aims to examine the impact of Intellectual Capital through Employee Emotional on Performance. The research questions are: (1) How does Intellectual Capital influence Performance? (2) How does Intellectual Capital influence Employee Emotional? (3) How does Employee Emotional affect as moderate variable between Intellectual Capital to Performance? The study adopts a quantitative approach using a survey method. The population is the employees of a medium manufacturing company in Indonesia. The sample size is determined by using the SPSS software. The data analysis techniques include descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and moderated regression analysis. The results are: (1) Intellectual Capital has a positive and significant effect on Performance. (2) Intellectual Capital has a positive and significant effect on Employee Emotional (3) Employee Emotional has positive and low effect as moderate variable between Intellectual Capital to Performance based on Personality Theory, especially in Sensing-Intuition and Judging-Perceiving.References
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